Okay, What is up?

Sep 27, 2010

I love this picture, Can you imagine carrying this thing around?
Okay, as you can see from my new photo's I have been able to use my camera after it was broken, but I still need a new camera, so I have been looking eveerywhere for a camera with a lithium battery instead of rechargable batteries...do you think I can find any? NO!! I am so frustrated! The camera I have now is a Kodak Easyshare camera with a lithium battery and I have never had a better camera.

My only other option is to go out and buy the same camera that I have now, but it's older and I haven't been able to find it. I did find the upgrade, but guess what? It has rechargable batteries!! I don't know what to do? Does anyone know of a great camera that has lithium batteries? Prefrrably Kodak?

What is up?

Drawing and Photo

Sep 26, 2010

Pictures of My Drawings

Quote of the Day

The important thing is not to be bitter over life's disapointments,
learn to let go of the past and realize tht every day won't be sunny,
and when you find yourself lost in the darkness of dispare remeber it's only in the black of night you can see the stars,
and those stars will lead you back home.
So don't be afraid to make mistakes, stumble, fall, because most of the time, the greatest rewards come from doing things that scare you the most.
Maybe you will get more then you could have ever imagined,
Who knows where life will take you?
The road is long and in the end the Journey is the destination!

Hello Fellow Bloggers!!

Sep 25, 2010

I know I haven't had any new photo's posted to my blog in a while , but I have taken some new photo's and will have them posted very soon!
You pobbably don't know this but, Fall is one of my very favorite times of year! The leafs are changing, my Birthday is on it's way, lol, and then Halloween!! It makes for great picture taking! I can tell ya now, I am very excited to see what develops!!! :)
*Thanks for your comments!!*

Sorry followers

Sep 18, 2010

I am sorry followers,

I am so sorry to my followers and to the people that are coming on to my blog I have some bad news.. My cmaera broke!!! So I have not been able to take any new pictures which has been a huge bummer for me, so those of you out there waiting for new photo's to come, please be patient with me while I figure out a way to take some new pictures, I was very excited to get fall photo's on my blog, but I am not sure if that is going to happen, we will see!!

P.S. Thank all of you at Bloggers for all the comments you have sent me on my photo's!! I really apprietiate the feedback and will make sure to comment on your blog as well!! Send me a friend request!! love yall!! Bye